.salma h
(متوسط الخبرة)
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كاتب محتوى
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عروض ناجحة
salma is a creative person. she has a strong passion in the field of marketing, specially in the field of content creation. 2 years ago.. she gained experience in different industries. she gained a lot of skills. salma specializes in digital marketing, [content marketing / content writing / social media marketing / email marketing,...]. she has high communication skills, which enables her to create strong communication messages. she also specializes in the field of public relations. excited to communicate together and do better together.
اكتبلي هي المنصة الأولى للعمل الحر على كتابة المحتوى، وملتقى أفضل كتّاب محتوى مستقلين في الوطن العربي